成型方式 注塑
特点 耐化学性, 耐热性, 低吸收性, 抗静电性能
成分 PPA GF30%
  • 成分


    DESTRON® DSC1701GH6 是在PPA(聚邻苯二甲酰胺)基聚合物中添加30%玻璃纤维增强的产品,作为半芳香族聚酰胺,具有优异的耐热性、耐化学性和低吸湿性。与通用工程塑料相比,它提供了更优异的耐热性和机械性能。此外,它还含有防静电剂,增强了防静电性能。



  • 适用领域

  • 应用实例

    Motor Brush card mold
分类 项目 条件 测量方法 单位 代表值
物理特性 吸水率 23°C, 50% RH ISO 62 %
比重 23°C ISO 1183 - 1.42
模具收缩率 Flow, 60 X 60 X 2mm ISO 294-4 %
Cross-flow, 60 X 60 X 2mm ISO 294-4 %
机械特性 拉伸强度 5 mm/min, 4mm ISO 527 MPa 185
断裂伸长率 5 mm/min, 4mm ISO 527 % 2
拉伸模量 1 mm/min, 4mm ISO 527 MPa 12000
挠曲强度 2 mm/min, 4mm ISO 178 MPa 270
挠曲模量 2 mm/min, 4mm ISO 178 MPa 10000
冲击强度(夏比) Noched, 4mm, 23°C ISO 179 kJ/m2 8
冲击强度(IZOD) Noched, 4mm, 23°C ISO 180
洛氏硬度 R-Scale ISO 2039-2 -
热性能 熔点 ISO 11357-3 °C
热变形温度(高负载) 4mm, Flatwise Unannealed ISO 75 °C
热变形温度(低负荷) 4mm, Flatwise Unannealed ISO 75 °C
阻燃性 UL 94 -
电气性能 体积电阻率 IEC 60093 Ohm
介电常数(10^6HZ) -
介电击穿强度 IEC 60243-1 KV/mm
耐电弧性 Sec
分类 单位 范围
树脂干燥温度 °C 120 ~ 135
树脂干燥时间 Hr 4 ~ 5
气缸 后部 °C 305 ~ 310
中部 °C 310 ~ 315
全部 °C 315 ~ 330
喷嘴温度 °C 315 ~ 330
材料温度 °C 315 ~ 330
模具温度 °C 100 ~ 140
注射速度 % 40 ~ 70
喷射力 1st % 30 ~ 50
2nd % 30 ~ 50
注塑压力 % 10 ~ 20
  • 1.化学产品和制造商信息

    1) Product Name : DESTRON® DSC1701GH#
      annotation) # : an Arabic number(3 ~ 12)
    2) Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use  
      Recommended use of chemical
      - For injection molding and extrusion molding
      Restrictions on use
      - Do not use it for anything other than the recommended purposes
    3) Manufacture/Supplier
      Company: DESCO CO., LTD.
      Address: 24, Gongdan-ro 9-gil, Waegwan-Eup, Chilgok-Gun, Kyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
      Tel: +82-54-970-5861

  • 2.危害风险

    1) Hazard Classification
    2) GHS (Globally Harmonized System Classification and labeling of chemicals)
      Pictographs: N/A
      Hazard statements: N/A
      Precautions: N/A
    3) Hazard classification does not include other hazard (NFPA)
      Health =1, Fire = 1, Reactivity = 0

  • 3.成分、含量及相关信息

    Chemical Nature         CAS No.     Composition(%)
    Polyphthalamide         24938-03-2            -
    Glass Fiber              65997-17-3            15 ~ 60
    * It’s not dangerous generally and a small quantity of additions and impurities aren’t shown, but we can offer it for medical treatment.

  • 4.急救小贴士

    1) Eye contact
      - Flush with plenty of water or physiology solution.
    2) Skin contact
      - Get rid of polluted clothes, accessories and shoes. Wash off in soap or natural detergents using plenty of water.
    3) Inhalation
      - Escape from polluted place and inhale the fresh air.
    4) Ingestion
      - No need of first-aid measures. Just vomit get medical attention if person became unconscious.
    5) Note to physician and first-aid
      - No special antidote. Supportive therapy should be used according to symptoms.

  • 5.发生爆炸、火灾时的应对措施

    1) Proper (and improper) fire extinguisher
      - Suitable: CO2, water, powder, general foam
      - Not suitable: N/A
    2) Specific hazards arising from the chemical
      - Irritant smoke may cause such as Carbon monoxide (CO), NOx, Halides and etc.
    3) Protective equipment and precautions for firefighting
      - In case of Fire, spray the fire extinguisher toward the ignition point after securing a safe distance
      - If you do not have fire extinguishers, sand for fire and fire hydrant may be used.
      - People around the fire evacuate to safe area.
      - During a fire, harmful gas can be caused by combustion and decomposition of substances.

  • 6.泄漏时的应对方法

    1) Precautions and equipments for personal protection
      - Do not inhale dust and vapor during operation.
      - Immediate disposal to prevent risk of slipping.
    2) Precaution for environmental protection
      - N/A
    3) Purification or removal methods
      - According to Industrial Waste Disposal regulation, move to approved place.

  • 7.处理和储存

    1) Safe handling
      - Storage and handling in accordance with regulations and the law in force.
    2) Safe storage
      - Stare in a dry place and away from incompatible materials.

  • 8.防止接触和个人防护设备

    1) Standard of chemical exposure, standard of biological exposure and etc.
      Internal regulations: N/A
      ACGIH regulations: N/A
      Standard of biological exposure
    2) Appropriate engineering controls
      - It needs air exhauster which can remove dust and gas during work. If necessary, using a qualified mask for dust and organic solvents
    3) Personal protective equipment
      Respiratory Protection
      - The operator should wear a mask for anti-dust
      Eye protection
      - Wear safety goggles and install an eye wash and emergency wash facilities.
      Hand protection
      - Injection workers should wear gloves, arm guards, and heat-resisting equipment.
      Body protection
      - After handling, wash clean

  • 9.物理化学特性

    1)  Appearance: Specified color and granulate form
    2)  Smel: Nearly odorless
    3) Threshold value: N/A
    4) PH: Not applicable
    5) Melting point/freezing point: 220~230℃
    6) Boiling point/Boiling range: N/A
    7) Flashing point: N/A
    8) Evaporating rate: N/A
    9) Flammability (solid, gas): N/A
    10) Upper/lower bond of flammability or explosive: N/A
    11) Vapor Pressure: N/A
    12) Solubility: Insolubility in water
    13) Vapor pressure: N/A
    14) Specific gravity: 1.20 ~1.90
    15) n-Octane/water partition coefficient: N/A
    16) Spontaneous ignition temperature: N/A
    17) Pyrolysis temperature
    18) Viscosity: N/A
    19) Molecular weight: N/A

  • 10.稳定性和反应性

    1) Chemical stability and the possibility of adverse reactions: stable under normal temperature pressure
    2) Conditions to avoid
      - Heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition
    3) Substances to avoid
      - Acid, A base, An oxidizing agent
    4) Harmful substances at decomposition
      - Toxic carbon compounds can be released

  • 11.有关毒性的信息

    1) Information for exposed route with high possibility: N/A
    2) Information for health hazard
      Acute toxicity: N/A
      Skin corrosiveness or irritation: N/A
      Serious eye damage or irritation: N/A
      Respiratory sensitization: N/A
      Skin Sensitization: N/A
      Carcinogenic: N/A
      Mutagenicity: N/A
      Particular target of toxicity (Single exposure)
      Particular target of toxicity (Repeated exposure)
      Inhalation Hazards: N/A

  • 12.环境影响

    1) Ecotoxicity: N/A
    2) Persistence and degradability: N/A
    3) Transferability in soil: N/A
    4) Other adverse effects: N/A

  • 13.废弃时的注意事项

    1) Methods of disposal: Handle by precautions specified in the Wastes Control Act
    2) Disposal Considerations: Handle by precautions specified in the Wastes Control Act

  • 14.运输所需信息

    1) UN number: N/A
    2) UN Proper name of shipping: N/A
    3) Hazard class of Transit: N/A
    4) Container grade: N/A
    5) Marine pollutants: N/A
    6) Special Safety measures the user need or need to know about transportation or means of transportation
      - Emergency measures for fire: N/A
      - Emergency measures for Outflow: N/A

  • 15.法律及监管状况

    1) Restriction by industrial safety and health Act: N/A
    2) Restriction by Registration and Evaluation, Etc. of Chemical Substances Act: N/A
    3) Restriction by Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act: N/A
    4) Restriction by Wastes Control Act: N/A
    5) Restriction by domestic and international law
      Domestic restriction
      - N/A
      Foreign restriction
      - American Management Information (OSHA regulation): N/A
      - American Management Information (CERCLA regulation): N/A
      - American Management Information (EPCRA 302 regulation): N/A
      - American Management Information (EPCRA 304 regulation): N/A
      - American Management Information (EPCRA 313 regulation): N/A
      - American Management Information (Rotterdam Convention materials): N/A
      - American Management Information (Stockholm Convention materials): N/A
      - American Management Information (Montreal protocol materials): N/A
      - EU classification information (Decided fractionation result): N/A
      - EU classification information (Dangerous substance): N/A
      - EU classification information (Safety notice): N/A

  • 16.其他参考事项

    1) Source of data
      This MSDS was edited from DESCO Co., Ltd. based on the data of Korea
      Industrial Safety Corporation according to Industrial Safety and Health
      Act of Article 41 and announced by Ministry of Labor Notice No. 96-12.
    2) Creation date: 10th Jul. 2010
    3) The number and final date of revision: 8 times / 1th November. 2023
    4) Others
      This documentation was made out based on our piled up experience and
      knowledge of our R&D center. It is suggested that this information  
      contained in this document can be used for General indication. Therefore,
      you should not construe it as product specifications, and you should do
      appropriate test before you considering your conditions for newly