Contact Us

Please click the appropriate button below and provide your inquiry details along with your accurate email information.
We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

* Required input items

Inquirer information

* Country

Registration of inquiry details

* Inquiry product

Industry of Inquiry (Optional)

Office of Inquiry (Optional)


Consent to collection and usage of personal information

In order to process your inquiries and other requests using website services operated by Desco Co., Ltd., we collect and use personal information as follows.

1. Personal information items collected
Personal details: name, company, country, department, contact details (email, phone number), and additional information entered manually.

2. Collection of personal information and purpose of use
We collect and use personal information for the purposes of confirming inquiries regarding our services and product features, addressing complaints regarding our products and services, contacting you to handle inquiries and complaints, and notifying you of the processing results.

3. Retention and use period
We will retain your personal information for three years for the purpose of handling inquiries and quality control of our products and services. You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of your information, in which case you will not be able to use our inquiry service.

View Terms and Conditions