Privacy Policy

Desco collects, retains, and processes all personal information based on relevant laws or with the consent of the data subject.
This privacy policy is effective from June 1, 2024. Desco complies with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws to properly carry out public duties and protect the freedom and rights of data subjects by handling personal information legally and safely. Therefore, in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, we have established and disclosed the following privacy policy to guide the procedures and standards for handling personal information and to handle related complaints promptly and smoothly.

Article 1 (Items of Personal Information, Purpose, and Retention Period)
  • Desco processes personal information only for the purposes specified and will not use it for other purposes. If the purpose of use changes, we will obtain separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • Desco processes and retains personal information within the period specified by law or within the period agreed upon when collecting personal information from the data subject.
  • The items of personal information processed by Desco, the purposes of collection and use, and the retention periods are as follows:
Collected Personal Information Purpose of Collection and Use Retention and Use Period
Signup Required: Email (ID), Password, Name, Mobile Phone Number, Company Name Confirmation of membership intention, provision of membership-based services, identification and authentication, membership maintenance and management, affiliation management, prevention of fraudulent use, retention of records for handling complaints and disputes Retention period: Until membership withdrawal
Inquiry Required: Email (ID), Password, Name, Mobile Phone Number, Company Name Verification of user inquiries about our services and products, handling of complaints about our products and services, communication and notification, and notification of results Retention period: 5 years
Article 2 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

Desco processes personal information within the scope specified for the purpose of processing and provides personal information to third parties only with the consent of the data subject, as required by law or in accordance with the special provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 3 (Entrustment of Personal Information Processing)
  • When Desco enters into an entrustment contract, it specifies in the contract documents that personal information will not be processed for purposes other than the purpose of performing the entrusted tasks, implements technical and managerial protection measures, restricts re-entrustment, manages and supervises the trustee, and bears responsibility for compensation in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • If the contents of the entrusted tasks or trustees change, we will disclose them without delay through this privacy policy.
Article 4 (Procedures and Methods for Destroying Personal Information)
  • Desco will destroy personal information without delay when the retention period has expired, or the purpose of processing has been achieved.
  • If personal information is required to be retained continuously due to other laws despite the expiration of the retention period or the achievement of the purpose of processing, the personal information will be stored separately in a different database or storage location.
  • Personal information recorded and stored in electronic file format is destroyed using technical methods that make the records irreproducible, and personal information recorded and stored in paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
Article 5 (Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and Methods of Exercising Them)
  • Data subjects have the right to view or correct their consent details for the collection, use, and provision of personal information and to request correction or deletion of any errors. These rights can be exercised by contacting the person in charge of personal information management via written documents, phone, email, fax, etc., and they can also be exercised through a legal representative or a delegated representative.
  • When a representative visits to request viewing or proof, Desco will confirm the representation by verifying the power of attorney and the representative's ID, and promptly process the requested content.
Article 6 (Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information)

Desco takes the following technical and managerial measures to ensure the security of personal information and prevent its loss, theft, leakage, alteration, or damage.

  • Managerial measures
    • ① Establishing and implementing an internal management plan for the safe management of personal information.
    • ② Conducting regular information security education for personal information handlers at least once a year.
    • ③ Managing personnel who can access sensitive information such as unique identification information, minimizing access.
  • Technical measures
    • ① Encrypting sensitive personal information and passwords, and managing access rights to the personal information processing system.
  • Physical measures
    • ① Operating protected zones such as computer rooms and document storage rooms, and controlling access.
Article 7 (Purpose and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection)
  • Desco uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve information about data subjects to provide personalized services.
  • Cookies are small text files sent by the server used to operate the website to the user's browser and stored on the user's hard disk.
    • ① Purpose of using cookies: To provide optimized information by understanding visit and usage patterns, popular search terms, and secure connections.
    • ② How to refuse cookie settings: Users can refuse to store cookies through the options settings in the upper part of the web browser's settings > privacy > cookies and other site data path.
  • If cookie storage is refused, there may be difficulties in using customized services.
Article 8 (Personal Information Protection Officer)

Desco has designated the following person as the personal information protection officer to protect personal information and handle complaints and damage relief related to personal information processing.

  • Personal Information Protection Officer

    Kim Minjeong

  • Contact Information


Article 9 (Remedies for Personal Information Infringement)
  • Data subjects can seek resolution of disputes or consultation by applying to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center, etc. for relief from personal information infringement. For other personal information infringement reports and consultations, please contact the following agencies.
    • ① Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: 1833-6972 (
    • ② Personal Information Infringement Report Center: 118 (
    • ③ Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 1301 (
    • ④ National Police Agency: 182 (
  • Desco strives to guarantee the right to self-determination of personal information and to provide consultation and damage relief for personal information infringement. If you need to report or consult, please contact
  • According to Articles 35 (Access to Personal Information), 36 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information), and 37 (Suspension of Personal Information Processing) of the Personal Information Protection Act, if a public institution's head takes any action or inaction that infringes on the rights or interests of the data subject, they may file an administrative appeal in accordance with the Administrative Appeals Act.