Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: June 1, 2024

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Chapter 2: Obligations of the Parties

Chapter 3: Conditions and Restrictions of Service Use

Chapter 4: Miscellaneous

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms is to define the basic matters such as the rights and obligations between members and the company, service use conditions, and procedures for the services provided on the website operated by Desco (URL: 'www.edesco.co.kr').

Article 2 (Effectiveness and Amendment of Terms)
  • These terms apply to all members who wish to use the company's website services.
  • The contents of these terms will be effective upon the user's agreement by posting them on the service screen or notifying users by other methods.
  • The company may change these terms for operational or business reasons, and will notify the members individually 30 days before the application date of the amended terms.
Article 3 (Guidelines outside the Terms)

Matters not specified in these terms will be governed by relevant laws such as the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, etc.

Chapter 2: Obligations of the Parties

Article 4 (Company’s Obligations)
  • The company is obligated to provide continuous and stable services as stipulated in these terms.
  • The company must handle opinions submitted by users through appropriate procedures and inform users of the reasons and schedules if it takes a certain period of time.
  • The company will not disclose or distribute members' personal information to third parties without their consent, except as required by law or for investigative purposes.
Article 5 (User’s Obligations)
  • Users are responsible for managing all user information and the results of misuse at the time of service application.
  • Users must notify the company immediately if their personal information is used improperly or in case of other security breaches.
  • Users must comply with relevant laws, these terms, service use guidelines, and cautions.
  • Users cannot engage in any commercial activities using the service without prior approval from the company.

Chapter 3: Conditions and Restrictions of Service Use

Article 6 (Membership Registration)
  • Users and members are considered to agree to these terms by clicking the "Agree to the collection and use of personal information" button located on the webpage where these terms are posted.
  • After agreeing to the terms, users apply for membership by recording the required information on the company's registration form and submitting it online.
  • All member information entered in the website registration form is considered actual data, and users who do not enter their real name or actual information may not receive legal protection and may be restricted from using the service.
  • The results of the internal review of the received membership application can be confirmed through the email address provided by the member.
  • Only users who have received approval for membership can use the website after setting their password.
  • Membership registration is prohibited for children under the age of 14 to protect their personal information.
Article 7 (Use of Service)
  • Users are considered to agree to these terms by applying for the service, and the service use contract is established accordingly. However, users can withdraw their consent to these terms at any time.
  • The use of the service is based on the principle of continuous service availability, provided there are no special operational or technical obstacles.
  • The company may temporarily suspend service provision in case of reasons such as inspection, maintenance, replacement, breakdown, or communication interruption of information and communication systems, or if normal service provision is difficult due to actions violating these terms.
  • In case of service suspension as described in the above paragraph, the company will notify users through the service screen. However, this does not apply if service suspension is due to reasons beyond the company's control.
  • All services and functions provided by the company on the website are free of charge.
Article 8 (Restrictions on Service Use)
  • The company may not provide services to users under certain conditions.
  • For membership registration, users must provide some personal information to the company for personal/affiliation identification, and the company grants member accounts after internal review.
Article 9 (Membership Withdrawal and Qualification Loss)
  • Members can withdraw their membership at any time, and the website will immediately process the membership withdrawal.
  • If a member falls under any of the conditions listed below, the website may restrict the member's qualification.
Article 10 (Collection and Use of Personal Information)
  • The website collects and manages the minimum necessary personal information when required, and this information is processed and managed according to the information provided below.
  • The company must obtain the consent of users when collecting their personal information.
  • Users have the right to access and correct their personal information held by the company at any time, and the company must take necessary measures without delay.
  • Other personal information-related matters comply with relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and the Personal Information Protection Act, and the company's privacy policy posted on the service screen.
Article 11 (Copyright and Use Restrictions)
  • The company holds the copyright and other intellectual property rights for the works (information content, internal employee responses, etc.) provided through the website.
  • Users cannot use the information obtained through the service for commercial purposes or provide it to third parties without the company's prior consent. If the company uses copyrights attributed to users, the company will notify the users.
Article 12 (Service Use Responsibility)

Members cannot engage in business activities to sell illegal products using the service, except when explicitly permitted in writing by an authorized company employee. The company is not responsible for the results and losses of such business activities, or for legal actions such as arrest by related agencies.